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How to choose waterproof junction box correctly
2022-07-14 15:04:00 Source:本站 Browse:1548

When buying waterproof junction box, IP protection level is a very important factor. According to IEC regulations, the * * numbers of IP (ingress protection) level are the ability of the shell to resist the invasion of solid particles, while the * * numbers are the protection ability of the shell to water droplets.
The IP level is only defined for the shell, but the equipment should also meet the corresponding requirements after installation. That is to say, if the waterproof junction box needs to be installed with waterproof cable connectors, its protection level should be higher than that of the box (the mainstream waterproof cable connectors in the market can meet the standard of IP68).
2. Select the correct size
Of course, the selection of the correct size waterproof box is first determined based on the size of the existing components and the location of the equipment. However, we should also consider whether new components will be added in the future, and if so, whether the space is sufficient. It should also be noted that the reference dimensions provided by the junction box supplier are external dimensions or internal dimensions. It should also be noted that the installable space is usually smaller than the internal dimensions provided.
3. Note which parts are included in the standard configuration of the product
The product number of most manufacturers (especially domestic manufacturers) can not reflect the inclusion of those standard accessories. Generally, we can understand that a junction box includes a box cover, a box body, a sealing strip and a box cover screw. According to different needs, the manufacturer will also provide optional accessories such as wall fixed hanging angle, installation floor, cable connector, etc. In order not to cause trouble afterwards, it is necessary to find out which are standard parts and which are optional accessories before ordering.
4. Set (_she) for long-term working environment
Usually (TONG1, Chang2) says, only buy the right ones, not the expensive ones. The price of waterproof junction box varies greatly according to different materials. Before type selection, you should first find out whether the equipment works indoors or outdoors for a long time. If it is the former, we recommend ABS waterproof junction box with relatively low price. ABS can fully meet the general needs of the room with its excellent comprehensive performance; If the outdoor environment is good, polycarbonate waterproof junction box has better weather resistance, heat resistance, flame retardancy, UV resistance, anti-aging and other properties than ABS products. Of course, the price is higher.

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